Arigatô, Thanks, Danke, Gracias, Grazie, Obrigado, Hvala, Faleminderit, Köszönöm, Takk, Dzieki, Diky, Salamat, Tesekkurler, Asante, Dankie, Aitäh, Kiitos, Bedankt, Pateiciba, Grazzi, Multumesc, Go raibh maith agat, Multumesc, Eskerrik asko, Dekuji, Mèsi, Choukrane, Doumoarigatou, Va multumim, mèsi, terima kasih, Merci…

The festival couldn’t exist without the priceless help of many! Thousand flowers to all artists and specta(c)tors, to the friends and partners who have placed their trust in all that.
And for the share of their poetry: 
Taylor Swift, Rupi Kaur, Lhasa de Sela, Christine and the Queens, Blondie, Maria de Rossi, Sinik, Eurythmics, Zaho de Sagazan, Juliette Gréco, Santa, Dalida, Lucid Beausonge, Michael Oldfield, Amanda Lear

The persons who welcome you, are bartending, serve meals, translate the debates in English (or in French), go pick up the artists… don’t get paid for these responsibilities. They accompany the poelitic project of the festival and make it a festival of the Humanities.

Jako Blanc 
Ella Carrara

Jad Chalita 
Nadège Cormier 
Juliette Dulcamara
Yann Gicquel
Yves Lacascade
Willy Legaud 

Lola Lyphoudt
Vincent Makowski 

Cerise Martens
Gabriel Mattei 
Lola Mercier 
Willy Legaud

Sophie Poulard
Gatien Raimbault

Michèle Rodriguez

La Bulle by Denis Cartet

Team of festival 

Artistic team: Tiffanie Taveau, Samuel Bester, Lola Lyphoudt, Jako Blanc
Direction of production: Naïk M’Sili
Technical coordinator: Samuel Bester, assisted by Alice Ganz
Graphic and web designer: Willy Legaud
Relations to the audiences: Tiffanie Taveau
Reception and media: Emmanuelle Formisyn
Maitre queux (Chef): Jean-Jacques Blanc
“Civic service” in support of the team: Claire Rambert 

Open and free

More than ever, the entrance is open and free because we think that art is priceless, that we demand a lot to our guests’ sensitive-attentive-eyes, that every program-encounter is a general assembly of the living.

The programm’actors


The 37 Festival Les Instants Vidéo is a production by the association Les Instants Vidéo Numériques et Poétiques, supported by the City of Marseille (DGAC), the Conseil Général des Bouches-du-Rhône (CG13), the Conseil Régional PACA (CR PACA), the Ministry of Culture (DRAC–PACA) and FONJEP.
We benefit from an essential co-production by Friche la Belle de Mai, where we are resident, and would like to extend our warmest thanks to the Friche’s technical, reception, maintenance, operations, communications and production teams, who have helped us to bring this project to fruition.
A warm thanks to REF (Réseau Euromed France) and Territoires Solidaires, of which we are active members, for their unfailing support.