Wednesday November 2 at 6 pm : Conference / Screening

57 rue Emile Tavan 13110 Aix-en-Provence
Wednesday, November 2, 6.00 to 8.00pm

The festival invited Alessandra Arno in Aix en Provence School of art for an encounter with images around her research Mediterranea, where she will talk about the need to highlight the formal, aesthetic and methodological aspects of video art made by women and queer artists from the MENA region. Her research is currently of undeniable cultural interest, both for the need to deepen our cultural knowledge of the MENA region and for the urgency of decolonising our gaze and opening the discussion on gender.

She is engaged in a research and video art project that aims to support emerging women and queer artists in the Mediterranean region (Italy, France, Greece, Egypt, Tunisia, Palestine, Morocco, Lebanon…) and to generate a debate with audiences around the themes and aesthetic research that have emerged over the last years. She has asked the IVs to be her cultural partner to accompany her in her project.

Together, we share the desire to highlight the issue of women and gender in audiovisual production and in the context of a decolonisation of languages, arts and curatorial practices.

Alessandra Arnò carries out curatorial research as artistic director of Visualcontainer, a renowned platform for research and dissemination of Italian and international video art since 2008. As a curator, she develops curatorial practices to define experimental audiovisual trends and issues of interest to emerging and middle carrier artists. She disseminates them through the ad hoc creation of dissemination platforms, the curation of exhibitions in museums, private and institutional spaces and festivals. Furthermore, as an expert in Italian and international video art, she is invited to contribute to publications with essays on video art and to conferences, round tables, and festival juries in Italy and abroad.

Alessandra Arno
[.BOX] Videoart project space

Project supported by the Italian Council (11 th edition, 2022), the program aimed at supporting Italian contemporary art in the world promoted by the Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity within the Italian Ministry of Culture