From November 9 to 12: Paul Jacques Yves Guilbert / Denis Cartet / Rochus Aust & the Quintet LTK4 / Jules Vipaldo (with Laure Ballester, Jules Vipaldo & Christophe Roque) / Sarah Violaine
Salle Seita – Wednesday, 9 at 8.20pm

ChimesEra#1.3f (50’ – 2022) / Paul Jacques Yves Guilbert (France)

ChimesEra#1.3f : The state of siege, Melaselidophobic Promenade (Mythanalytic return – Pulp-it!), process of Chimes_Era#1.2 : the Seat in Judgment (Assessment following the sacrifices of CE #1.1 : the Benching). ChimesEra#1.3 as an epilogizing company, is the constant summary of the previous episodes. Thereby:
-The Gestalt chimera is still waiting for its chaire/ \ʃɛʁ (→flesh/chair≈pulpit).
-Mickey Mutt, by face piece filtrate, has joined its ranks.
-Le chimist, thus dismissed, was hoisted to the catafalque.
-Paul Jacques Yves Guilbert finds himself in his calesson →underpants.
For this reinterpretation, and for the sake of diegetic perseverance, it will be important to remember that:
-A conclusive reinterpretation for the Gestalt cannot be done without fading to black.
-Any filtrate induces retentate.
-The catafalque can make skènè (→scene).
-We are not sitting in calesson (→calceus →calx →on foot).
Thus is promised the entreatic promenade of the author and the mythanalytic* revenge of the testubers.
“The show [which ‘must go on’] is in the room”.

Allée Seita – Wednesday, 9 at 9.10pm

The non-aligned bubble, An audio-video live show on a gigantic inflated bubble (90’) / Denis Cartet (France)

The base line of this performance echoes directly the geopolitical movement of non-aligned countries. Denis’ performance is a geo-poetical gesture, which aims at highlighting and understanding the non-aligned movement.
Screened on a big white bubble, as round as the world, archives of musicians from the non-aligned countries, alternate with archives from the creation of the non-aligned movement, speeches from political men and writers. The Non-alignes bubble has been selected by /s:in/ biennale in Palestine and was played in July in Ramallah, Jerusalem and Bethlehem.

Salle Seita – Thursday, 10 at 8.00pm

Video Hearing _ Anhörungen (45′ – 2021) / Rochus Aust & le Quintet LTK4 (Germany)

The ear watches with you whatever you see. And the eyes will never stop listening. 
That’s why the LTK4 QUINTET is going to perform out of the gap betweeen sound and video, including a 12 meter-trumpet-piece and MUSIQUE MEUBLE, a collective audio-instrumental playing of visuals. 
LTK4 QUINTET : Rochus Aust, trumpet – spatial planning / Romain Bodart & Florent Bodart, Pianographe – Symbolon / Verena Barié, recorder – video direction / Lya Obert, 3D screening – prepared piano 

Salle Seita – Friday, 11 at 6pm

Pauvre Baudelaire (50′ – 2015) / Jules Vipaldo (France)

Put into voice by the trio En Roue Libre, Laure Ballester, Jules Vipaldo & Christophe Roque 
Pauvre Baudelaire is the most Belgium and poetical reading/performance ever – a kind of between the lines portrait of Belgium (via a rainy road movie through Bruxelles streets and avenues) that plays with all the toponimic and cultural belgian references ; coupled with a game of slaughter (not for real) of poetry, its poses, habits and postures – together with a mind-blowing tribute to his forceful vitality and the playful and inventive virtuality of the language. 

Salle Seita – Saturday, 12 at 9.00pm

Influences (25′ – 2022) / Sarah Violaine (France)

Influences is an installation, video projection and performance dealing with the themes of the body as a carrier of images, symbols and interpretations. It is a question here, of approaching the relationship to the image in a hyper active and skin deep reality that social networks give us to live. No need for words, only hashtags. No need for speeches, the buzz does the work. What will be said about the action seen and retranscribed will be more important than the motivation for this act itself. 

Through the demonstration of an act of daily care, usually intimate, through its public staging, what meanings and interpretations come to rest on its author?