OUR ACTIONS are developed around two priorities that overlap, interact and enrich one another, and which links are inseparable and unbreakable : one is artistic and the other in related to cultural & poetical rights.
To recognise every single person’s cultural identity, to have the person at the centre of political and public policies, to reaffirm the principles of freedom and human dignity, and to work concretely to bring humanity together…. Cultural rights is at the same time a concept, a posture, a process.(Patrice Meyer-Bish)
On the axe of cultural and poetical rights, our goal is to take actions so that video arts are not kept into an enclave, to strengthen cooperation of the social and cultural spheres, to intensify the possibility of different persons to meet. But our purpose is also to understand what are the political, economic, cultural challenges of the Euro-Mediterranean Region in order to get the necessary distance to perform as an actor of the word of arts and culture. We therefor act in 2 directions:
- Image education & participation: video art awareness workshop, conversation tour of exhibitions, popular art galleries, the Programm’actors collaborative project…
- Art, citizenship & civil society: collective commitments with REF (Euromed network France), Ligue de l’Enseignement (Popular education), Territoires Solidaires: co-organisation of workshops (Libyan, Syrian youths), public encounters, forums,panel discussions…)