The festival will take place between November 7 till December 2, in Marseilles and elsewehere.
More info to come soon.

Our call for participation is now closed.
Thanks to the 1000 artists who trust us enough to submit their works.
Be sure we will watch them with attention, being aware that electronic poetry is fragile, delicate : a quivering…
The individual announcement of the selection should arrive at the beginning of October, the latest.
Greetings from the infinitely blue shores (sometimes tainted with red) of the Mediterranean sea.
The Instants Vidéo crew

Since the world is made this way, our dreams must be even more tenacious.
Abdellatif Laâbi

In France, and not only as the events were global, the year 2018 will see here and there thrilling or pathetic celebrations of the lovely month of May 1968.
In our case, the poetic and emancipatory vibe of the hundred thousand flowers of May continue to stimulate delightfully our imagination. And our nostalgia is only for the future.
We have the dream of a spring which will make us see May 1968 (events) as a poor rehearsal of the great international upheaval to come:

Culture will not anymore be the rattle of the privileged few in desperate search of thrills.
Sexual deprivation, scrupulously planned by the coalition of the religious, the States and the traders of erotic-romantic dreams imitating the dominant/dominated relationships spread by the culture and leisure industry, will just be an old nightmare converted into a richness of consensual and shared pleasures.
Work, released from the class struggle, will be an endless source of imaginative fulfilment.
Global warming cultivated by the veneration of technocratic progress and the growth for the Growth, will be changed into a warming of human relationships and a poetic and passionate disruption of the senses.
The organised crime against migrants will be replaced by a natural hospitality for newcomers, and will celebrate melting pots resulting from joyful and multicoloured close-combats.
Palestine will be free, with the only mission to be the peace adviser for the word’s last belligerents corrupted by war-mongering stupidity or the cult of virility.
No-one will have to knee down anymore, apart to pick four-leaf clovers or to pull the petals from a daisy.
And above all: etc. etc. etc.

Artists of the world unite! To make the 31st edition of the festival a celebration of our indomitable imaginations. Let’s believe in our very intimate utopias as the realities longing to flourish in our garden. Video art is the poetic flower to brandish in front of the blind eyes of dream-breakers. Let’s make the Festival 2018 a general assembly of works and artists non-aligned on the market criteria, and looking to a shining future.

Les Instants Vidéo Numériques et Poétiques 

International event supported by The Ministry of Culture (DRAC PACA), The Regional Council, the General Council of Les Bouches-du-Rhône, The City of Marseille.