Eighty years ago (1936), the Spanish fascists killed the poet Federico Garcia Lorca. Today, we are killing poetry!

Poetic State of Emergency

Those who store wheat are not penniless! Those who bring grist to the mill of the GMO lies deceive those who are penniless. Those who lead the art market impose their tastes. Their clients swallow anything without the slightest objection. Those who claim that business is business denude those who are busy searching a job. Those who do not march when the people march and defy injustice, rush into commercial fan-zones to sell out their humanity. Those who believe in divine justice often cross off brotherhood on earth. Those who polish their ego on social networks pack up and go when social movements chant that We are All Equal! Those who shed crocodile tears drown shipwrecked migrants a second time. The Instants Video festival has the good reputation of travelling the world throughout the year, but what does it broadly do? It is travelled by the world… of women and men that accost with laughter and anger, images and sound that divulge moods and thoughts that are sometimes solitary, but always with solidarity. The Instants Video are radically committed poetically, that is, they are militantly in favour of the transformation of languages, the creolisation of bodies, images, sounds and thoughts. Video art is a contemporary art of the intermingling of world cultures. We welcome you to this 29th edition of the Instants Video. Presenting international video and digital art works that are not aligned with the market trends, for a few weeks, the city of Marseille becomes the greatest hosting harbour. 136 films from 46 countries, performances, concerts and readings will be held during the International Encounters (10 to 13 November); 19 video installations are presented at the Friche and 6 others are exhibited in galleries and social centres in Marseille until the 4 of December. The entrance is completely free as art is priceless and sensitive intelligence cannot be priced. During these sickening times where the obscurantist worship of goods competes with that of recycled idols, we must certainly be careful but not unconscious. Otherwise poetry would be as thrilling as a telephone directory. So, let us dare this madness of seeing this through. Though the night. During the night of the 12 to the 13 of November, from sunset to sunrise, together with our companions of La Cause Freudienne, we will spend a Nuit blanche (sleepless night) devoted to psychoanalyses, video art and performances. More than 70 readings of Freud and Lacan will be performed by important figures in the arts, culture, and politics from Marseille. The programme also features a conference and nocturnal round tables, a concert, screening and poetry under the stars… Poetic State of emergency. Without an exclamation mark. This is not a claim. Does it have to be a claim? It is… Dear friends, we will never be poets enough. Marc Mercier (Translation Elizabeth Grech) The 29th festival will take place in  Marseilles (Friche la Belle de Mai) from November 10th to December 4th, 2016

  • international encounters (screenings, performances, debates…) : November, 10th to 13th
  • opening on Thursday, 10th at 6pm
  • Saturday 12th from 5.14pm: Standing night of video arts, performance and psychoanalysis, in a partnership with Marseilles Freudian School.
  • Sunday 13th: at 7.29am: closing of the festival with an artistic breakfast
  • A selection of 126 video art and digital works coming from 46 countries
  • poe(li)tic performances
  • exhibition of 25 international installations: November 10th to December 4th
  • more than 50 international artists will be presents
  • 93 readers of Freud and Lacan texts

program (in french)