Co-operate, strive, work together
This curiosity (to take care) to the world helps us taking a step back to consider our practises as stakeholders in the field of arts and culture. The point is to get a better understanding of the different realities of our countries, to cast doubt on our own certainties and to be wary of the obvious and to map out new artistic, cultural, social routes to take together.
This is how, from the artistic and poetic field of actions which is ours, we decided to get involved in 3 specific organisations of the civil society.
REF (French Euromed network)
The action of the REF and its members is covering a wide range of key areas: education and youth, art and culture, migration, social and solidarity economy, environment, equality between women and men, Human rights, research… The REF members have in common the sharing of values and the will of working together with the countries around the Mediterranean in order to realise a more fair, more democratic and more cohesive region. The REF intend therefore to be a space of actions, exchanges of best practises and thoughts between the actors of the French civil society engaged in the Mediterranean Rim. REF
Ligue de l’Enseignement (FAIL 13)
This federation (Teaching League) is a Popular (of the people) Education movement that is striving in order to support the values of solidarity, citizenry and secularity throughout a large range of projects and endeavours in direction to a diversify audience. (Popular education is a concept grounded in notions of class, political struggle, and social transformation. FAIL 13
Territoires Solidaires
Territoires solidaires is a network of actors from the international cooperation field of the region PACA (Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, south-east of France). It aims at supporting the development of the international solidarity and cooperation projects led by the actors of the region. Territoires Solidaires